~ Something to Think About ~
Parsha Stumpers
By: Daniel Listhaus
- Where is there an acronym
for Motzee Shem Ra in this week's parsha?
- (14:4) The Rambam writes (Mishna Torah and Shemoneh Perakim) that one who has failed in a particular middah and now wants to work on fixing it, should first balance it out by going to the other extreme. So, for example, one who had become a big ba’al gaivah and want to now work on suppressing his ego and becoming more humble, he should do things on the opposite extreme of what he had been doing until he is able to find the proper balance in the middle. If so, granted the hyssop is very necessary as part of the metzora’s tahara as Rashi explains, but why the cedarwood? Shouldn’t that specically be left out?
- Rabbah bar bar Shila says on
Daf Beis amud beis in Berachos that if in the passuk of “u'va ha'shemesh
v'taheir”, u'va hashemesh=beeas ohro and v'taheir=tahor gavra; then the
passuk should have used the word “vayitaheir” to illustrate the active
requirement to become tahor instead of the word “tahor” which is a more
passive sounding word (even without a kaparah).....Ask a question on this
from this week's parsha.
- (14:34) Why is tzara’as also
Hashem’s method of letting people know when there are treasures behind the
wall of a house?
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