Friday, June 20, 2014

פרשת קרח

Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. The medrash describes that Korach approached Moshe and Aharon with two arguments:
- “Does a talis made completely of techeiles require a string of techeiles?”
    - “Does a room full of sifrei Torah require a mezuza on its doorpost?”
a. What are the answers to these questions? Why?

b. What exactly was Korach getting at with this debate?

c. How do these “attacks” on Moshe and Aharon fit with Korach's motto of “ki kol ha'eidah kulam 

kedoshim u'vesocham Hashem” ?

d. How is the story of Korach similar to the episode of the meraglim and their statement of “va'nehi 

v'eineinu ka'chagavim” ?

2. The Torah tells us that after Korach came to Moshe
rabbeinu, Moshe fell on his face. There are 

three different types of “falling on the face” thorughout Tanach. What are they? Extra Credit: When 

do they occur?

3.   Did Korach die? How did he die?

a. Why was Moshe so insistent that Korach die in a weird way?

b. Didn't he know the mishna in Avos which says that the pit to swallow up Korach was already 


c. How could Moshe ask Hashem that if such a creation was not made, that he should make it? 

Hashem created things yeis mei'ayin only during the time of Beraishis, why would Hashem make an 

exception now?

Friday, June 13, 2014

Parshas Shelach - Parsha Stumpers

פרשת שלח
Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. Rashi (13:2) writes that the story of the Meraglim was placed in the Torah immediately following the episode of Miriam because they did not learn from Miriam about how one should speak. Miriam spoke lashon harah about her brother, Moshe Rabbeinu, while the Meraglim spoke about Eretz Yisroel – an inanimate object, not a person. There is nothing wrong with doing so. So what did the Meraglim do wrong that they should have learned from the story of Miriam?

  1. Calev and Yehoshua each had the help of a tefillah to stay away from the plot of the meraglim. Why was this necessary? Why not just stay away?

  1. After the report of the Meraglim, the B'nei Yisroel cried out, “Why is Hashem bringing us to this land to fall by the sword? Our wives and young will be taken captive! Is it not better that we return to Egypt?” What were the B'nei Yisroel thinking? How exactly were they thinking they would be treated if they went back to Mitzrayim? Wouldn't this be what would happen regardless?

  1. The Gemara in Berachos says that Hashem wanted to wipe out B'nei Yisroel in the desert and start fresh with only the descendants of Moshe. Moshe responded, “If a chair with three legs (Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov) cannot stand, then certainly a chair with one leg (just Moshe) cannot stand.” What was this argument?

  1. Hashem told Moshe (Bamidbar 14:22) that since the B'nei Yisroel left Mitzrayim, they tested Hashem 10 times. What were these 10 times?

  1. Rashi (14:33) explains that the generation of the meraglim all died in the desert by age 60. This is why the B'nei Yisroel had to remain there for 40 years – in order that the youngest (counted) ones among them, who were 20, would reach the age of 60. The Mefarshim explain that the reason for this was because they were not guilty of meesa b'dei shamayim (death from heaven), which occurs at 60. If so, what was Hashem's original thought to wipe them out immediately? And why didn't Moshe respond with this argument?

  1. When Moshe davened on behalf of B'nei Yisroel in this week's parsha, he used only about half of the 13 middos. Why?

  1. There are 3 ways that the mission of the meraglim was described: 1. Hashem in our parsha calls it “v'yasuru” 2. B'nei Yisroel call it “V'yachp'ru” (Devarim 1:22) and 3. The meraglim said “v'yarg'lu. What is the difference between these three expressions and perspectives?

  1. How do you know Kohanim could become invisible? (No cheating – don't ask a Kohen)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Parshas Beha'aloscha - Parsha Stumpers

פרשת בהעלתך
Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. (8:2) Rashi explains that Hashem told Aharon, “Your role is greater than theirs...” The Torah in parshas Nasso goes through great lengths to tell us that all the karbanos of the n'si'im were equal in the eyes of Hashem. Why suddenly by Aharon must it be that his be more precious?

  1. (8:4) Rashi reminds us of the complexity of the Menorah. Why did Hashem command to make a vessel impossible to comprehend how to construct? And why specifically the menorah?
  2. (8:4) Rashi mentions that the Menorah was banged and hammered. I thought there was no hammering in the beis hamikdash / mishkan because they used the shamir worm?
  3. (8:24) Rashi comments that regarding levi'im, not being of age disqualiifies them but not physical blemishes. Why is it that physical blemishes disqualify a kohen but not a levi?
  4. (9:1) Why was this the only Karbon Pesach that the B'nei Yisroel brought while in the desert? And if there was a valid reason for this, then why does Rashi refer to it as a discredit to B'nei Yisroel?
  5. (9:6) Rashi writes that when B'nei Yisroel wanted to know about bringing a make-up karbon pesach, it must be that they asked only Moshe and not Aharon because how would it be possible for Aharon to have known something that Moshe didn't. How could that be the reason that Rashi is so sure. The Torah itself tells us the story of Pinchas when he “reminded” Moshe of a halacha. And the Gemara describes certain tana'im who were me'cha'deish chidushin. So why is the fact that Aharon was Moshe's student a valid proof that he must have known less?
  6. (9:10) Why is karbon pesach so unique that those who miss it receive a second chance unlike any other mitzva?
  7. (10:2) Why were the trumpets that Moshe blew considered a separate “kol”?
  8. (10:7) When was Morse code really invented? And was this “Morse code” a mere code or were the length of the sounds and sequence of lengths intrinsically significant?
  9. (10:36) Rashi comments that we see that the shechina only comes to rest on B'nei Yisroel when there are 22,000 people. What about the gemara berachos and the mishnayos in pirkei avos which describe that the shechina comes to rest on 10 people → even 3 → even 2 → even 1?
  10. (11:1) The Torah describes that those who complained and sinned amongst B'nei Yisroel were “like those who seek pretenses...” why 'like'? They were people who were trying to stir up trouble?
  11. (11:22) What exactly was the conversation between Hashem and Moshe?
  12. (12:13) Rashi lists four places where Moshe asked Hashem what would be. What is the connection between these four things which caused Moshe to more aggressively ask about their outcomes?
  13. (12:13) Moshe davened a very short tefillah for his sister in order for people not to accuse him of caring more for her than everyone else. Would anyone really be so inconsiderate to accuse Moshe of such a thing? He was davening for his sister?!