Friday, February 19, 2016

Parshas Tetzaveh - Parsha Stumpers

~ Something to Think About ~
פרשת תצוה

Parsha Stumpers

By: Daniel Listhaus

  1. The Rosh and Ba'al Ha'Turim along with others point out that this is the only parsha which does not contain Moshe's rabbeinu name (since his birth in parshas shemos). Why is this? And why was this parsha chosen to be the one to leave out Moshe's name (especially considering the fact that the reason Moshe's name was erased has to do with an episode in next week's parsha)?

  1. The passuk tells us (28:12) that the avnei shoham were placed on the shoulder straps so that Hashem would remember the B'nei Yisroel as a zechus for us. Why does Hashem need us to remind Him of the greatness of the shevatim ?

  1. Rashi (29:24) tells us that the “wavings” were to hold back the harmful winds and the harmful dews. What does waving back and forth, up and down have anything to do with chasing away harmful winds and dews?

  1. If the Urim V'tumim had incredible powers to let the Kohen Gadol know answers to difficult questions, then why couldn't Shlomo Ha'Melech ask it where he could find the shamir instead of capturing and asking Ashmedai (King of Sheidim)?
1.    Depending on how you answered, how do you understand how Eili the Kohen Gadol could have used it to find out whether Channah (shmuel han'avi's mother) was drunk or not?

2.    What is wrong about asking the Urim V'tumim questions that you could obtain from another source?

  1. What was the purpose of the bigdei kehuna?

  1. How could there be a mitzva to wipe out Amalek and yet a mitzva to remember them?

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