~ Something to Think About ~
פרשת וארא
Parsha Stumpers
By: Daniel Listhaus
- (6:12) This
week's Parsha contains one of the ten Kal V'chomers found throughout
Tanach. The Kal V'chomer seems to be that Moshe said to Hashem, “If B'nei
Yisroel won't listen to me, then certainly Phroah will refuse to listen!”
The question is that the Torah told us earlier that the reason B'nei
Yisroel didn't listen was because they were under stress and hard work.
Certainly these concerns did not apply to Pharoah. So what was the Kal
- Rashi (6:13) writes that because Moshe said “I am
of blocked lips”, Hashem required that Aharon be just as vital as the
mouthpiece of Moshe. How could that have been the cause if Aharon had
already taken this role in last week's parsha?
- Where is there a proof from this week's parsha
to techiyas ha'meisim?
- (6:25) Rashi writes that one of Yisro’s names
came from the fact that he used to prepare Avoda Zarrah. How could
we make fun of who Yisro was before he became a geir?
- (Rashi 7:12) Why did Aharon’s stick have to turn
back from snake to stick before swallowing the magicians’ staffs?
- Rashi says that Moshe didn't bring the מכה of דם
or צפרדעים because since the Nile had
protected him, it would not be proper for Moshe to hit the Nile. How did
the river protect him? If anything, didn't the basket protect him from
the river?
- How far does Hakaras Hatov go? Aharon too
benefited from the water and land – for bathing and walking on? Must one
even have hakaras hatov for the ground for producing food?
- (7:17) Rashi writes that Hashem struck the Nile
first before the Egyptians because they worshiped the Nile. Why even give
any chashivus to the Nile? Just strike the Egyptians and they will
realize on their own that the Nile has no power?
- (Rashi 7:19) What is the chidush in saying
that even the water in wooden and stone vessels turned to blood?
- What is the difference between ma'aseh keshafim
and ma'aseh sheidim?
- Rashi stresses the fact that the frogs were
croaking. What is so significant about the croak of the frog? (I mean the
sound that it makes, not that when the frogs “croaked” they were left on the land as opposed to
the ערב which were removed so that the Egyptians wouldn't benefit from the
- Rashi brings the Medrash which describes that
initially only one frog came out of the river, but every time they hit it,
more frogs would burst forth. Didn't the Mitzryim start to realize after a
few times that they were only causing a bigger disaster? Why didn't they
just stop hitting the frogs!!??
- The Passuk says that after Moshe and Aharon
brought the frogs, the Egyptian Magicians were able to make frogs come as
well. How was everyone able to tell that those frogs were created by the
magicians? Was there a difference in the type of frogs from Moshe and
Aharon, and that of the magicians?
- Why did Pharoah ask that Moshe daven today for
the צפרדעים to be removed tomorrow?
- The Torah (8:24) states Moshe's concern of shechting
the karbon. If they would have Pharoah's permission, why be
- Why only by the frogs does it say that Moshe screamed
out to Hashem to daven?
- When is 2 not greater than 1 ?
- Rashi (9:10) writes that the animals of those who
feared Hashem died during the makka (plague) of shechin (boils).
Who were the “ones who feared Hashem” and why did the animals deserve to
die during the boils if they were saved during the other makkaos?
A “Poem/Riddle on the Parsha” By
Daniel Listhaus :
פרק ז
Hashem commands,
Aharon to take his staff in his hand.
כל מקוה מימיהם shall turn to blood so red
then Pharoah will get the message through his head.”
Pharoah, so foolish and stubborn
to listen to Moshe and Aharon
he just laughed in their face
'Ha! I will put them in their place.'
water into blood!” He commanded his חרטומים
did just that right in front of 'em
Pharoah's heart continued to grow harder and harder
question, though, remains: From where did the חרטומים get their water?
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