Thursday, November 6, 2014

Parshas Vayeira - Parsha Stumpers

~ Something to Think About ~
פרשת וירא
Parsha Stumpers

By: Daniel Listhaus

  1. The Torah tells us that Avraham was visited by three men who looked like Arabs. How could they have looked like Arabs if Arabs are descendents of Yishmael?

  1. The passuk relates that the malachim “ate” the food which Avraham prepared for them. Rashi explains that the reason they pretended to eat is because it is proper not to deviate from the minhag of the place. Obviously this concept is important enough for the malachim to proactively eat, as opposed to passively just say that they are not hungry. What is so important about not deviating from the minhagei ha'makom? Where in halacha do we see this concept as well?

  1. After Avraham's bris, Rashi (18:1) tells us that Hashem made it extremely hot and sunny in order not to trouble Avraham with guests. When Hashem saw Avraham was upset that no guests were coming, Hashem sent three malachim. Why didn't Hashem just make it not as hot and sunny and have the normal traffic of visitors?

  1. Rashi tells us that one malach cannot perform two missions. Yet we know that the same malach that came to heal Avraham was the one who went to save Lot from Sodom (see Rashi 19:1). How could that malach perform multiple missions?

  1. The Ba'al Ha'Turim (18:2) writes that because of Avraham's humility of referring to himself as dust and ash, he merited the mitzvos of Parah Adumah and Sotah. What is the connection between these mitzvos and the expressions of Avraham, beyond the words themselves?

  1. The Torah testifies (20:14) that Avraham accepted a gift from Avimelech of flocks, cattle, servants, and maid servants. Similarly we see that Avraham accepted gifts from Pharoah in last week's parsha. Why was Avraham willing to take these, yet by the war of the four and five kings, Avraham refused to accept even a shoe lace?

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