Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Parshas Ha'azinu- Parshas Stumpers

פרשת האזינו
Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. Rashi (32:2) explains that the Torah gives the simile of Torah being like dew as opposed to rain because rain is annoying to people as opposed to dew which everyone is happy with. Rashi gives two examples of how rain is annoying to some people: It is annoying when one is trying to travel and it is annoying for someone who has an uncovered barrel of wine. Why does Rashi feel it is necessary to give any example at all, let alone two of them

  1. Rashi (32:9) describes that Avraham + Yitzchak + Yaakov with the qualities they represented are like three strands of string twisted together into a strong rope. Similarly we find in the Gemara Berachos when Moshe was fighting on B’nei Yisroel’s behalf and davening that Hashem not wipe them out. Moshe said that unlike his own descendents which would only have him – a “one legged stool” – to rely on, B’nei Yisroel are backed by a “three legged chair” of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. Assuming that Moshe Rabbeinu, who was worthy of receiving the Torah and leading B’nei Yisroel, had the same qualities, is there something stronger of the middos being represented specifically by three different individuals as opposed to one person containing all three?

  1. Rashi (32:48) points out that there are three times in the Torah where the Torah uses the expression of “b’etzem ha’haom ha’zeh”. However, in truth there are four. What is the one which Rashi leaves out and why does he do so?

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