Friday, June 20, 2014

פרשת קרח

Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. The medrash describes that Korach approached Moshe and Aharon with two arguments:
- “Does a talis made completely of techeiles require a string of techeiles?”
    - “Does a room full of sifrei Torah require a mezuza on its doorpost?”
a. What are the answers to these questions? Why?

b. What exactly was Korach getting at with this debate?

c. How do these “attacks” on Moshe and Aharon fit with Korach's motto of “ki kol ha'eidah kulam 

kedoshim u'vesocham Hashem” ?

d. How is the story of Korach similar to the episode of the meraglim and their statement of “va'nehi 

v'eineinu ka'chagavim” ?

2. The Torah tells us that after Korach came to Moshe
rabbeinu, Moshe fell on his face. There are 

three different types of “falling on the face” thorughout Tanach. What are they? Extra Credit: When 

do they occur?

3.   Did Korach die? How did he die?

a. Why was Moshe so insistent that Korach die in a weird way?

b. Didn't he know the mishna in Avos which says that the pit to swallow up Korach was already 


c. How could Moshe ask Hashem that if such a creation was not made, that he should make it? 

Hashem created things yeis mei'ayin only during the time of Beraishis, why would Hashem make an 

exception now?

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