Stumpers and Something to Think About
- Where do we see in this week's parsha that speech creates things?
- How do you see this from the word which means “speech”?
- Where in davening do we see this idea?
- What about in kiddush haChodesh?
- E.C: Using the above, give an explanation as to why eidim zomimin get what 1
they tried to do to
their fellow?
- What lesson do we learn from the combination of all of the above?פרשת מצורעParsha Stumpers and Something to Think About
- Rabbah bar bar Shila says on Daf Beis amud beis in Berachos that if in the passuk of “u'va ha'shemesh v'taheir”, u'va hashemesh=beeas ohro and v'taheir=tahor gavra; then the passuk should have used the word “vayitaheir” to illustrate the active requirement to become tahor instead of the word “tahor” which is a more passive sounding word (even without a kaparah).....Ask a question on this from this week's parsha.
- Where is there an acronym for Motzee Shem Ra in this week's parsha?
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