Thursday, April 11, 2013

Parshas Tazria-Metzora - Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

פרשת תזריע
Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. Where do we see in this week's parsha that speech creates things?

  1. How do you see this from the word which means “speech”?

  1. Where in davening do we see this idea?

  1. What about in kiddush haChodesh?

  1. E.C: Using the above, give an explanation as to why eidim zomimin get what 1
they tried to do to their fellow?

  1. What lesson do we learn from the combination of all of the above?

    פרשת מצורע
    Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

    1. Rabbah bar bar Shila says on Daf Beis amud beis in Berachos that if in the passuk of “u'va ha'shemesh v'taheir”, u'va hashemesh=beeas ohro and v'taheir=tahor gavra; then the passuk should have used the word “vayitaheir” to illustrate the active requirement to become tahor instead of the word “tahor” which is a more passive sounding word (even without a kaparah).....Ask a question on this from this week's parsha.

    1. Where is there an acronym for Motzee Shem Ra in this week's parsha?

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