Friday, December 21, 2012

Parshas Vayigash - Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

פרשת ויגש

Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. In the first passuk of this week's parsha there are two times where it says that

     Yehuda was the one who approached Yosef. One is straight out (b'feirush) in the 

    passuk and the other is a remez. Where is the remez?

  2. In one of the pshatim that Rashi (44:18) says that Yehuda was telling Yosef when

     he said “You are like Pharaoh” is: Just like Pharoah makes decrees and doesn't

     keep them so too you”. The sifsei chochomim explains that Yehuda was referring 

    to the decree that no slave should ever rule over mitzrayim or wear royal clothing. 

    What type of argument is this, though? Yosef could easily respond that indeed

     Pharaoh is amazing! After all, he made an exception to the rule for his sake. So 

    what message was Yehuda trying to convey to Yosef?

  3. Rashi (44:19) says that Yehuda challenged Yosef asking, “Why did you ask us so 

    many questions? Were we looking to marry your daughter or were you looking to 

    marry our sister?”

    1. What was wrong with Yosef asking questions? He thought they were spies?

    2. Why did Yehuda give the example of Yosef wanting to marry their daughter 

      or sister? Being that the brothers were older it would make more sense for 

      Yehuda to have asked “Were you looking to marry our daughter...”

  1. What was different between the reason Yaakov said he didn't want to send 

    Binyamin down to mitzrayim, and the reason that Yehuda told Yosef? Why the


  2. In 45:4 Yosef told his brothers “Come close to me, if you please”. Rashi explains

     that Yosef showed them his Bris Millah. What would this prove to the brothers, 

    though? Rashi earlier explained in last wee's parsha (41:55) that Pharaoh 

    commanded everyone to listen to Yosef – who told them all to get bris millah. If 

    so, EVERYONE in mitzrayim had a bris?

  3. Why did Hashem stop the famine when Yaakov came down to mitzrayim? Shouldn't 

    there have been a concern that people would then call Yosef a liar since he said 

    that the famine would last seven years?

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