כי תצא
- In this week's Parsha there is a mitzva, which many people do not know, pertaining to going out to battle:ויתד תהיה לך על אזנך …a. What is this mitzva ? [Hint: It shows the importance of כבוד הבריות even in extreme circumstances such as war.]
b. Where is there a רמז in thisפסוק as to what a person should do when in danger of hearing a דבר שאינו הגון?
- How could we understand the concept of eishes y'fas toar?
- How could we understand the concept of ben sorer u'moreh? How could we punish him based on his future? Doesn't he have bechira?
- The mishna in Berachos states that if one who declares, “Hashem's rachamim extends to the bird's nest” we quiet him.a. Where do we see in this week's parsha that Hashem's rachamim reaches the bird's nest?
What is wrong with saying such a statement that we quiet one who says
- In this week's parsha is an unbelievable example of the extent we must show hakaras hatov. What is it? Why?
- Two of the six zechiros are in this week's parsha. What are they? What are the other four? And what makes them so fundamentally important that they are of the zechiros?
- This week's parsha contains the basis for the minhag to start wearing a talis when one gets married. Where is it?
Luck and Have a great Shabbos!
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