Friday, August 29, 2014

Parshas Shoftim - Parsha Stumpers

פרשת שופטים
Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. (16:21) The Medrash Rabbah says that Shlomo HaMelech's throne had 6 steps leading up to it. On each step was one of six consecutiveלא תעשה found in this week's parsha. What are they and what is the connection between them? (see Kli Yakar)

  1. (17:18) There are three important dinim pertaining to a melech. What are they and where is there a remez to them in the word כסאas if to say that a king who keeps these three things will merit to stay on theכסא ? (see Kli Yakar)

  1. Rashi (16:22) explains that Hashem despises things which goyim use for avoda zarah. If this is so, why are we allowed to have a mizbe'ach?

  1. Rashi (17:6) writes that if three witnesses come to testify, they do not become eidim zomemin until all three of them become zomemin. Why should this be true?

  1. How could we even understand the din of eidim zomemin? They never even completed the evil they intended to do!?

  1. Rashi (17:8) writes that the Beis Hamikdash is higher than every other place in the world. How could we understand this?

  1. Rashi (17:11) comments on the passuk that we must listen to the chachomim even if he says right is left and left is right. If I know that right is indeed not left, then why should I listen to the words of the chochom ?

  1. The Orchos Tzadikkim writes that every middah could be used for good or for bad. What are some examples in our parsha where the Torah warns not to use the middah of rachamim (mercy) incorrectly?