Friday, May 25, 2012

Parshas Bamidbar and Shavuos

פרשת במדבר
Parsha Stumpers and Something to Think About

  1. Rashi (1:2) writes that the way Moshe counted B'nei Yisroel was through

     collecting a half-shekel per person. Why did he have count them like this?

  2. What is the significance of a flag?

  3. Rashi (3:1) notes that the passuk refers to Elazar and Isamar as the children 

    of Aharon and Moshe – Aharon because he was their biological father, and 

    Moshe because he was their rebbe. However, in the following passuk (3:2) it 

    repeats and only calls them the sons of Aharon.
  • Why should being someone's rebbe make one considered his father?

  • Why is the passuk switching in the next passuk to just call them the sons of 

  1. When it came to counting shevet Levi, Rashi (2:16) comments that Moshe did

    not know what to do. He said, “How can I enter the tents to know the 

    number of their nursing infants?” Hasem replied, “You go outside the tent 

    and I will let you know the number of who is in which tent.”
  • If Hashem was going to tell him through a bas-kol how many were in each

    tent, why did Moshe have to go up to the tents to begin with?

  • Why did this only first become an issue when it came to counting shevet

  1. Why do we eat dairy on Shavuos?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I will hopefully start posting my archive of Parsha Stumpers - Something to Think About on this blog.
Make sure to visit